A Bun in the Oven - looking in the new JavaScript Runtime and understanding React re-renders
Looking at Bun the new JavaScript runtime and what it may imply in the future also a neat look into why React re-renders
NOTE: This is my first newsletter after taking a break for personal-related matters for a couple of months. But it’s time to get back at it 😎
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Bun is a new JavaScript runtime much like Node or Deno but with some differing focuses. It absolutely broke into the JavaScript scene because of how fast it is. It completely out speeds Node and Deno (although Deno did say in future versions it will give a lot more emphasis to speed)
It has a tone of Web APIs already built-in and what caught my eye instantly is that it every file is automatically transpiled, specifically for TypeScript and JSX.
This means that React works right out of the box when using Bun!
Check out their website for more information:

Josh Comeau has come out with another amazing article this time focusing on why React re-renders with a ton of useful info-graphics and visuals. For React developers new and old I strongly suggest checking this out.
I definitely picked up a few things that were sometimes just brushed away as “React magic” 🧝♂️.
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