The next transition of the web?
Checkingout Kent C. Dodd's article on the web's next transition and building an interactive coding experience with React
Kent C. Dodds has written some great articles in regard to React and getting the most bang for your buck out of the library. Recently he’s been heavily promoting the use of a new framework: Remix.
Remix is awesome! I used it to build my personal blog site.
It offers a lot of solutions for modern-day headaches with SPA (Single page applications). In this article, Kent goes over the history of different types of web pages and the future of the web (at least in his eyes): PESPAS (Progressively enhanced Single page applications)
Remix heavily leans into this model.
I recommend checking out the full article for more details.
Building an interactive coding experience with Sandpack
In a technical developer blog, it is often a huge point to be able to show the reader the various steps of coding whatever the blog post may be about.
In comes Sandpack.
React components that give you the power of editable sandboxes that run in the browser. Powered by
, the online bundler used by CodeSandbox.
If you’ve ever googled issues with coding examples, chances are they were done in Code Sandbox.
Check out the docs of the full package here:
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